DRC Clubschau 2006
V2, Reserve CAC, Reserve-Anwartschaft auf den Deutschen Champion(VDH) und Club
Championklasse, Richterin: Ms. G. Hewitsom
Bewertung Jack:
super dog of good quality, excellent reach of neck and correct shoulders,
lovely head type, balanced with good expression, deep rib coge, plenty of
substance, excellent topline and correct tailset, strong quaters,
moved excellent with plenty of drive

Fourwind Cottage Paarklasse
Fourwind Cottage Knapweed Blossom und Fourwind Cottage Yellow Stone
3. Platz
Fourwind Cottage Zuchtgruppe
Fourwind Cottage Uncut Diamont
Fourwind Cottage Union Jack
Fourwind Cottage Yellow Stone
4. Platz