Martini Dogshow CACIB

V1, Jugend CAC, bester Jugendhund
Benelux Jeugd Winner 2015 NL
qualifiziert für die Crufts
Jugendklasse, Richterin: O. Murray
Bewertung Andon:
balanced young dog, good bone, nice pigment, pleasing head, good neck to well layed shoulders, straigth topline, moves with drive, very nice picture.
excellent 1 beste Jeugdhond

V1, bester Gebrauchshund
Gebrauchshundeklasse, Richterin: O. Murray
Bewertung Dutch
nicely balanced dog, excellent condition, pleasing head, good expression, dark eye, good earset, good topline and good spring of ribs, good tailset, moves ok.
excellent 1